Background... I graduated pharmacy school last year with all the hopes and dreams that all the teachers give you. I was excited about pursuing the great world of pharmacy and being one of the best pharmacists in the world. Where am I now...? Sitting on my couch in my PJs searching the internet for jobs and calling recruiters. Wow I sound like a mid-aged, balding, beer-belly guy. Well, I am far, far from that or at least I hope...otherwise my boyfriend may reconsider this relationship.
Anyway, I'm now in a city scowling for a pharmacist position. I'm not even looking for "THE" position, I'm good for just any position.
I came to this city because of a pharmacy residency which didn't really go the way I had planned and quit leaving me with my lease I couldn't get out of and quickly landed a job as a retail pharmacist. Everything was going as wonderful as things can go in retail until I made an unfortunate decision, things happened, and I had to resume leaving me in the situation I am in now. Lesson learned.... if you are going to do something that may get your fired, make sure you aren't working for the largest company in that city making it almost impossible to find another job. Well, maybe the lesson should have been don't do the stupid thing to begin with but I'm not your mom nor am I trying to give out words of wisdom.
This will be my forum to express my emotional roller coaster of events that hopefully finishes safe with a safe return to the platform and finding a new position, yet so far it is looking like it may be one of those roller coasters that ends with some kid getting his head decapitated.....
So now we're into2012. Have u found anything yet