Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Searched and Searching: The Beginning.....

So if I was properly going to make this blog I suppose I should have started posting from the beginning rather than one month into my search. Honestly, I did not realize I wouldn't find a position...which is quite idiotic and unrealistic of me to think "oh it won't be difficult to find a job in this economy because I am a pharmacist, a licensed pharmacist in 2 states at that!" Yet that doesn't really seem to mean anything to anyone because no one is hiring in both of the areas I am looking at and trust me, they are large enough areas with hundreds even thousands of pharmacies Can't just one of those pharmacists retire, quit, or do something like I did?
Anyway.... in the next couple of posts I'll put my failed attempts thus far.

If you haven't noticed, I'm not using anything that will really scream out where I live, where I'm looking, or any defining features about myself.... I am an ambiguous giggly cube of jello floating through life who happens to be a pharmacist. Sorry guys but no real details will be exposed but if by chance you are looking to hire a FULLY qualified, lovable pharmacist then please try to get in contact with me.

Attempt 1: "Fancy Hospital 1"
After I found out I will be resigning effective the next day, I hit the websites of all the major metropolitan hospitals in the area and applied to any that had openings for pharmacists with high hopes and dreams and then checked me email religiously the entire weekend. Amazingly, one hospital did and it will be titled Fancy Hospital 1 or FH1. It was a overnight position but a job is a job and especially if it was going to be at one of the top hospitals in the country then hell why not.
Someone in human resources emailed asking me Tuesday morning to call them ASAP so I did and no answer... but I was not discouraged, I called again and emailed her hoping to catch her and did I? Finally after 3 days she called back.... I didn't know ASAP meant a few days later... We talked, it sounded great she was going to set up an interview, I knew I had the position, I was dead set on it. The interview was in a week, I researched everything there was about the pharmacy and hospital, I was set to share my vast knowledge of pharmacy and let my incredible personality shine.
Fast forward to the actual interview, skip through the scenes of me being drenched by a flash thunderstorm.... and I am only interviewing with human resources as a preinterview... but no worries, I still got this. Oh,... HR says there may not actually be a position available... then why the hell is this job opening posted all over their website as well as Monster and RX Career Finder!! But you really like me and you are going to refer me to the pharmacy department as well as the other campuses of your hospital, oh that's great, that's wonderful. I still have a chance.
I was supposed to call her a week later to see how the progress was going. I called... I left a message, no response. I emailed and called again... and now I've been waiting almost 3 weeks with not a word back. At least send me a generic email that says you are declined in big red font.

The disillusion of quickly finding another job has really kicked in....

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